The Balance



Give a try and experience the real challenge! Best Challenge game, Tha Balance Challenge Game tests your accuracy, reflexes and reaction time and challenges the player’s ability to multi task. Left and right 360 Game Enjoy and get higher score Beat your friends and share your score ★ Fun game and Fun time ★ Play Challenge ★ Test your multi task ability ★ Reflex and Reaction ★ Achievements and leaderboards. ★ Free Challenge game Give a try and experience the real challenge! Best Challenge game, The Balance Challenge Game tests your accuracy, reflexes and reaction time and challenges the player's ability to multi-task. Left and right 360 Game Enjoy and get higher score Beat your friends and share your score ★ Fun game and Fun time ★ Play Challenge ★ test your ability multi task ★ Reflex and Reaction ★ Achievements and leaderboards. ★ Free Challenge game