Shogi (将棋) is a japanese chess.King (玉) moves one space in any orthogonal or diagonal direction.Rook (飛) moves any number of empty spaces along a file or rank.Bishop (角) moves any number of empty spaces along a diagonal line.Gold general (金) moves one square vertically, horizontally, or diagonally forward. (In all directions except diagonally backward).Silver general (銀) moves one square diagonally, or straight forward. (In all directions except horizontally or straight backward).Knight (桂) leaps to a space two ranks ahead and one file to the side.Lance (香) moves as a Rook but only forward in the same file, never sideways or backward.Pawn (歩) moves one square straight forward.You can play in 2 modes.mode1 “自在将棋” : You can change board sizes and piece positions as you like.mode2 “本将棋” : You can play it in a regular rule.Please enjoy playing it !!