暗影滑板 - Shadow Skate



你喜歡獨特又精緻的畫風?又喜歡挑戰炫酷的極限運動?可曾想過,若將二者結合將碰撞出怎樣的火花?加速,跳躍,起飛!在暗影滑板的世界裡,一人,一板,踏上旅途! 精妙的城市景觀,寧靜的公園林蔭,嘈雜的黃昏工地和燈紅酒綠的城市夜景,看似和平的城市背後,隱藏著怎樣的危機與秘密?一切都掌握在你的手中!開始,出發!挖掘出這個城市中最不為人知的秘密吧! 遊戲特性: - 唯美的遊戲風格,與激烈的滑板運動碰撞出奇妙的火花! - 危機四伏的城市,挑戰你的操作與神經! - 炫酷逼真的滑板動作,給你一個無與倫比的滑板體驗! - 四大場景,四十個關卡,每一關都能帶給你全新的感受! - 數十種收集物品,滿足喜歡收集的你! --- Shadow Skate is the most exhilarating running and skating game on Android. Navigate skyscrapers, forests, parks, and night club as you try to escape the shadows. Test your reflexes as you skate down modern cities and along skyscrapers roofs. Speed up, jump & crouch to avoid obstacles, collect coins to buy power ups, and see how far you can skate! Game Features: - 4 beautiful skate park environment to get lost - 40 challenging levels with unique tricks to try - Realistic physics and stunning shadow arts graphics v1.0.2: Fixed some crash bugs of the game. Thanks.
