It’s time to explore the sea! Follow Kiki, our little captain and see what we encounter out there. Choose from a wide variety of ships and personalize it with cool accesseries. Help your friends and defeat the pirates! Interesting tasks are designed to challenge you. Fun features: 1.Raft, sailboat, submarine...choose from 9 different types of water transport or try them all! 2.We have honorable tasks for you and download the game to see what they are. 3.Each time you finish a task you will receive a gift to upgrade your boat! 4.Collect more “Appreciation Hearts” to unlock more boats! Design concepts: We focus on inspirational learning; We focus on skill-building; We focus on bringing fun contents to our young audience; Take the baby bus for an unique learning experience! About BabyBus: BabyBus is the most trusted brand in early childhood educational software. The mobile applications are designed and developed specifically for children. Tips: In the search bar, enter "BabyBus" to find all of our products. Contact us: E-mail: Website: Facebook: Privacy Policy: