Abc Fast or Slow



1)扩大你的英语词汇快5倍 2)学习拼写所有流行的人名,地名和动物的英语学习它快 3)挑战你的朋友,看看谁最擅长拼写 4)击败计时器,看看谁能够更快地拼 5)让您的心脏狂跳,不要错过任何一个节拍 6)拼写这一切,并成为拼字比赛冠军 7)点击了错误的文字和你的黄金机会就会变成石头 8)你听说过无尽的寺庙运行;现在你可以享受无尽的乐趣拼写 点击法术 - 技能5字在连续上移动到下一个水平 - 失败拼5个字在游戏中,你失去 试试吧,让我们有一些有趣!- Learn fun names and have spelling in the English Language - Spell at least 5 Words correctly to Move up in the game - Solve each word puzzles before the timer runs out - Play along with your fiends and family and beat them - Become the Spelling Bee Champion Among your friends - Share it on Facebook and Whatsapp with your friends - Less Ads and instructions throughout the game will help you move up