纸牌 Solitaire(单机版)



Arrange Cards in order A to K with same type (Spade, Heart, Diamond and Club). The main goal is to move all the cards to the sorted deck (A to K) location. To achieve this you can make use of unsorted deck columns and sort deck in K to A order stack with alternate card color (Red/Black). To play, - select the card which you want to move (on touch the card gets highlighted with yellow color). - Now select destination (valid move) where you want to move - Done Features: - Cards will get auto sorted if found in sequence on top of unsorted decks column - You can undo last 3 moves - 3 cards will be unpacked from the closed deck on touch - Only King can be moved to base location (i.e.: the unsorted cards column where no card is available) Maximum standard Solitaire rules are followed. @ enjoy It’s totally yours so never wait to ask for any changes. Contact me @ meroadmin@merohome.com