


【游戏介绍】《魔法与秩序》是一款SLG 玩法的中世纪魔幻战争策略手游。精美魔幻风格的游戏画面,操作体验流畅。是以魔幻卡牌手游,即时对战,策略养成与一体的魔幻战术对战策略手游。玩家通过经营自己的城堡来获取给类资源,在发展自己的国家的同时发展自己的军队,最后占领其他玩家的领地而称霸全服。【游戏特色】●首创魔幻战术对战玩法告别无脑挂机,告别发展无策略,告别与机器人的对对抗玩家多,pvp说打就打;动脑筋,发展,战斗不是简单的堆砌数值;讲战术,发展有讲究,霸服不靠RMB●魔幻剧情,对抗性强剧情磅礴大气,代入感强;这里没有永恒的领土,只有不断的争夺;插旗圈地,占领资源;我们的目标是“插自己的旗,圈自己的地,让别人进贡纳税”。●不花时间不氪金游戏玩法多样,养成无须等待长时间;发展有讲究,兵种培养有技巧;不是大R就可以霸服的游戏。【玩家评语】非常耐玩的游戏,每天都要记得上来收割资源。游戏不结盟真的打不赢,所以叫上了几个兄弟一起游戏,现在已经是服中老大了。游戏中玩家非常多,需要不断发展自己实力。不是一般那种靠时间换发展的游戏,游戏将就发展策略,攻城掠地的时候也将就兵种配合,非常喜欢。游戏活动非常多,非常照顾我们这些小R用户。【联系我们】如有问题请在游戏评论区留言我们讲第一时间与您联系。Introduction of the game"Magic and order" is a SLG medieval magic war strategy hand tour. Exquisite magic style of the game screen, smooth operation experience. It is based on magic card tour, instant confrontation, strategy formation and integration of the magic tactics tactics strategy tour. By running their own castles, players get their resources, develop their own troops and occupy other players&039; territory at the same time.game featuresThe first creation of magic tacticsFarewell to no brain hang up, farewell to development without strategy, farewell to confrontation with robotsMore players, PVP said to hit the gameBrains, development and combat are not simply stacked valuesSpeaking tactics, development is exquisite, hegemony is not dependent on RMBMagic plot, strong antagonismThe storyline is majestic and strongThere is no eternal territory, only constant competitionPut the flag into the land and occupy the resourcesOur goal is to "insert our flag, circle our land, and let others pay tribute and pay taxes".